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HIS welcomes students from around the globe to join our intimate community of learners. We prioritize placing students in grades that align with their individual abilities and educational needs. In each cohort, students will benefit from the guidance of both a seasoned professional teacher and a dedicated teacher assistant (TA).

Our weekly schedule includes no more than five hours of real-time online classes (mostly weekends), with the added opportunity for in-person residential sessions twice a year, each lasting one week. Our non-stop, year-round academic calendar ensures students fulfill all U.S. curriculum requirements.

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How to Apply

To complete your online registration, please click the 'Apply Today' link below. Once you've taken this step, you can expect the following sequence of events:

  1. The school's admission office will reach out to you to schedule an interview.

  2. Following the interview, the student will be assigned to a specific grade level or a customized course package.

  3. You will receive an invoice for the tuition fees.

  4. Upon receipt of your tuition payment, you will be granted online access to our learning system.

  5. Our dedicated teachers will get in touch with you to welcome you to the cohort.

  6. With everything in place, you can embark on your learning journey."

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The principle guiding tuition at HIS is accessibility and affordability. We are committed to ensuring that all eligible students have the opportunity to receive a need-based scholarship.

HIS maintains a uniform annual tuition fee for all students across all grade levels. Our tuition structure is based on U.S. standards and costs.

Nevertheless, we recognize that economic disparities exist in various parts of the world. To address this, HIS offers scholarships that take into account these regional differences.


At HIS, we prioritize open communication with each student and their parents. This allows us to gain a comprehensive understanding of their financial needs and offer the most suitable tuition options tailored to their specific circumstances.


HIS currently offer 5-8 grade with various subjects:

  • 5th-grade subjects include English, Math, Science, and History.  

  • 6th-grade subjects include English, Math, Science, History, and Computer.

  • 7th-grade subjects include English, Math, Biology, History, and Computer.

  • 8th-grade subjects include English, Math, History, Physics, and Chemistry.

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Acadamic Schedule

Class schedule: 

On-line (Local time): 

Saturday 9am-12pm, and 1-3pm


Sunday 9am-12pm, and 1-3pm

On-site (each year):

5 days, May 1-5

7 days, 3rd week of July


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